You can be arrested for DUI in Kansas if your driving or appearance reasonably shows signs of intoxication. If you fail a field sobriety test given by a police officer, you can also be charged. When you refuse to take a chemical test to determine if you are legally intoxicated, you will be arrested. Finally, if any test you took registered your blood alcohol concentration at .08% or higher, you will be charged with a DUI.
Our state is determined to crack down on drinking and driving, and recently passed legislation that imposes stiffer DUI penalties for such offenses.
With any DUI violation, your license will be suspended which can greatly affect your ability to earn a wage and other important activities.
At the Neighbors Law Office, my strict focus is on DUI defense and driver's license matters, not other areas that general practice attorneys commonly take up. This concentrated effort gives me the advantage of studying and working on a daily basis with DUI law.
Driver's license restoration, DMV hearings and hard-hitting challenges to blood, breath and field sobriety tests are all areas that, as a skilled trial attorney, I have successfully resolved. No matter the charges that you face, if you need effective and aggressive DUI defense, use a proven Overland Park DUI lawyer from my firm.
I work hard to keep my clients in the know regarding their case and the tactics to be considered in defending their charges. The first and foremost piece of information is that DUI cases can, in many instances, be successfully defended and my goal is always to produce the best result possible.
In order to effectively defend your DUI case, I first have to obtain all of the necessary information regarding your DUI event. This information, generally starts with the officer's arrest information contained in a police narrative report. From there, additional information can be obtained by examination of the Alcohol Influence report and test results; examination of witness statements; review of accident reports (if applicable); review of audio, or video, recordings; personal review of the incident location; and review of any Intoxilyzer 8000 documents that may be in the possession of the police custodian of the Intoxilyzer records (the individual that directly reports to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE). In addition, in a substantial number of actual KDR administrative driver's license hearings, a defense is developed soley upon the officer's testimony at the hearing.
Without trial, the only way to negotiate a dismissal of a criminal DUI offense is for the attorney to sift through all of the available evidence, and show the prosecution that they do not have a sufficient basis to proceed on a criminal trial for DUI. Of course, locating this type of defense is not the norm.
However, it is my belief that every person who hires an attorney to represent them on a DUI matter deserves to have the opportunity to locate a defense to their action. That is why the Neighbors Law Office always looks, first, for available defenses to bot the criminal DUI charge, and defenses to the license suspension action. Consideration for diversion, or plea negotiation with the prosecution is only a secondary consideration by my firm.
Getting to work on your case can be as easy as your first phone call to my office.